Customize Evaluations Manager

If you have the necessary access permissions, you can customize the way the Evaluations Manager displays and behaves on individual workstations. Configuration is accessible from the Setup... button > Evaluations Setup window.

Field Description
Track time utilization Select the checkbox to display the Period field on the Add/Edit Evaluations window and allow evaluators to indicate whether the evaluation is for a morning, afternoon, or evening session.
Auto capitalize grading answers Select the checkbox to display all grading answers entered on an evaluation form in upper case.
Do not ask to print grade card Select the checkbox to prevent axiUm from displaying the Print Grade Question window when you complete an evaluation.
Use approval user’s security settings

Select the checkbox to display the approval user’s name next to each answer when completing evaluations.

Note: If deselected, the logged in user’s name displays next to each answer when completing evaluations.

Optionally evaluate on Patient Approvals Select the checkbox to display the Enter Evaluation checkbox on the Patient Approvals window.
Re-display Patient Approvals if unapproved items remain Select the checkbox to re-display the Patient Approvals window if some items still require approval after a user approves a treatment.