Basic > City Codes

Key Info  

Configure cities for use throughout axiUm when working with location and address information.

Related Module(s):


Accessed From:

Maintenance > Basic > City Codes


City List

City Codes


State Codes

City List Window

The City List window allows you to search for and manage city codes.

City Codes Window

(Maintenance > Basic > City List)

The City Codes window allows you to specify a city name, as well as default information related to the city.

Example: If the State and Country fields are specified, when users enter a city, those related fields will automatically be populated.

Tip: Create a city code record for each Zip/Postal code in the city. Users can then enter the Zip code to automatically populate the other fields.

It displays when you open the City List window and click the Create a new Record () icon or Edit Record () icon.