Clinical > Procedure Codes

Key Info  

Manage the list of procedure codes.

Related Module(s):


Accessed From:

Maintenance > Clinical > Procedure Codes


Procedure Codes List

Procedure Codes

Dependencies: None.

Procedure Codes List Window

The Procedure Codes List window allows you to manage the list of procedure codes, material codes, and condition codes used at your institution.

Procedure codes are CDA, ADA, or CPT codes used to identify procedures performed. Procedure codes are used in the Dental Chart, Treatment Planning, Transactions and Info Manager modules.

Material codes and condition codes are also defined here and are used mostly in the Dental Chart to identify specific materials within a patients mouth as well as specific conditions, such as decay.

Procedure Code Window

(Maintenance > Clinical > Procedure Code List)

The Procedure Code window **

It displays when you open the Procedure Code List window and click the Create a new Record () icon or Edit Record () icon.

NPI / Taxonomy Code Mappings Window

The NPI / Taxonomy Code Mappings window allows you to map NPI and Taxonomy codes for use with EDI claims.