Dispensary > Dispensary Location Codes

Key Info  

Configure the dispensary locations at your institution.

Related Module(s):


Accessed From:

Maintenance > Dispensary > Dispensary Location Codes


Dispensary Location Codes

Dispensary Levels

Inventory & Dispensary Location Links

Dependencies: Kit Types

Dispensary Location Codes Window

A dispensary location indicates where a kit is in the dispensary life cycle.

The Dispensary Location Codes window allows you to create and manage the list of dispensary locations at your institution.

Dispensary Levels Window

(Maintenance > Dispensary > Dispensary Location Codes)

The Dispensary Levels window allows you to create and manage dispensary levels, that define which kit types (and how many of each kit) are required at a specific location. It displays when you open the Dispensary Location Codes window, select a listed location and click the Dispensary Levels () icon.

Note: Only locations that have the Type field set to Dispensary can have levels set.

Inventory & Dispensary Location Links Window

(Maintenance > DispensaryDispensary Location Codes)

The Inventory & Dispensary Location Links window allows you to link your dispensaries to your inventory store locations as part of the Dispensary / Inventory modules integration. It displays when you open the Dispensary Location Codes window, select a listed location and click the Link to Inventory Location () icon.

Once the correct inventory stores and dispensaries are linked, each time a sundry item is checked out via the Dispensary module, the product level decreases automatically in the linked inventory store. This allows Inventory users to then make orders to re-stock products as necessary.