Dispensary > Sundries

Key Info  

Configure the sundries for use in the Dispensary module.

Related Module(s):


Accessed From:

Maintenance > Dispensary > Sundries


Sundry List

Sundry Code

Bar Code Content Information

Inventory Products List



Sundry List Window

The Sundry List window allows you to search for and manage sundries used in the Dispensary module.

Sundry Code Window

(Maintenance > Dispensary > Sundry List)

The Sundry Code window allows you to specify sundry information. It displays when you open the Sundry List window and click the Create a new Record () icon or Edit Record () icon .

Bar Code Content Information Window

(Maintenance > Dispensary > Sundry List)

The Bar Code Content Information window allows you to scan an extended bar code to view information contained within it. It displays when you open the Sundry List window and click the Bar Code Content Information () icon.

Note: No information is saved and is only displayed for informational purposes.

Inventory Products List Window

(Maintenance > DispensarySundry List > Sundry Code)

The Inventory Products List window allows you to search for products in the Inventory module to link to sundries in the Dispensary module. It displays when you open the Sundry Code window and click the Sync with Inventory product ellipsis.