Insurance > Place Of Service Codes

Key Info  

Configure place of service codes that are used by medical insurance companies to indicate the exact location in a facility that a medical service was provided.

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Maintenance > Insurance > Place Of Service Codes


Place Of Service Codes

Place Codes


Service Type Codes

Place Of Service Codes Window

Place of service codes are used by US medical insurance companies to indicate the exact location in a facility that a medical service was provided.

The place of service is entered on the Tx Medical Information window when entering a medical procedure in the EHR module or the Transactions module.

For each place of service code, you must define a place code for the service type of the insurance company to ensure that the correct code prints on the claim for or EDI file.

The Place Of Service Codes window allows you to manage the list of place of service codes and specify the associated place codes.

Place Codes Window

(Maintenance > Insurance > Place Of Service Codes)

The Place Codes window allows you to define the list of services offered at the place of service being defined. It displays when you open the Place Of Service Codes window, select a listed code and click the Place Codes () icon.